Kingdom Chapter 508

Wth am I doing at 1am watching korean dramas and releasing this manga…

Chapter 508: MF | Read Online


Filed under Kingdom

69 responses to “Kingdom Chapter 508

  1. Oseas

    God’s work. That’s what you are doing oshit. God’s work.

  2. Here comes the Glaive!! Thank you so much!

  3. Rurunikenshun


  4. Dan

    Thank you so very much good sir! You are part of what makes the internet so great!

  5. naki1876

    denyu is a 1000-man commander now ?

  6. kaito.kitt


  7. i dunno what you do, but thanks

  8. Alex_And_Re

    Thanks man !

  9. Selden

    Thank you !

  10. Xavier17

    Thank u so much bro u dont understand

  11. Ken

    Thank you berry much!

  12. arianandhika

    ur gods gift to humanity turnip team. i thank you with all my soul

  13. KaitoKief

    Thanks for the chapter

  14. algarban

    Thanks!! i couldnt wait longer!! rock them Hi Shin Unit!!

  15. Letouriste

    Haha! Thank you so much guys:)

  16. thank you for the chapter!

  17. Heita

    Out of curiosity, what drama are you watching? I only watched one Korean show and I liked it. It was Chuno.

    • I’m currently watching Signal. The last thing I finished was Goblin. Both are pretty good.

      Haven’t watched Chuno. Guess I’ll put that on my to-watch list 😛

  18. Firays

    If this manga release a volume for week.
    I think turnip team will translate it, just for one whole night. Awesome work.

    Thanks you. Hype after break is too much to handle. I want next chapter badly now.

  19. Perspective

    oshit is denyuu a 1000 man commander now or was that a typo?

  20. Nina

    Thanks so much, turnip team (I don’t know if it’s a team, just venturing a guess). Other scanlations are sometimes late and get sloppy after a while but even after some 400 issues you guys are still rocking the block.

    • Turnip Farmers is and always has been 2 guys (oshit, and gongitraped). Over the years, a few people have lent a helping hand in cleaning who are listed on our About page at the top of the site.

      We’re now currently working with Sense-Scans who are providing raws and 2 of the people over there, Xyros and Jikota, who clean and redraw respectively.

  21. Demut

    w00t w00t

    Ouki’s glaive is finally seeing some action! I guess swords are now only Shin’s sidearm (as they often have been historically)?

  22. fknmibl

    You’re being a fucken boss that’s what you are doing.

    Cheers for the release!

  23. as awesome as always 🙂 Thanks Turnip

  24. Thank you very much turnip. The mountain people seem kind of op, they need a nerf for the next battles or it will end too soon

  25. Wtf on one page that enemy soldier has spear and on the next he kills with sword!

  26. osi

    Shin kills Houken with Ouki’s glaive this war. Calling it now

  27. Kulas

    Heard that mangastream is planning to take up Kingdom also. They are currently looking for translators.

    • Cum Guzzler

      Lmao they’re actually 2 years late for this.

      • They release random ‘new’ series all the time, then drop them for no apparent reason. Their quality is generally quite decent so im ok with that (not like anyone else ‘licensed’ kingdom anyways).

        • Oseas

          And they couldn’t have done this before the partnership with sense scans when turnips were struggling to source raws? I’m guessing this would bother sense more than it would bother turnips.

    • jkhgj

      They only pick up popular mangas to generate more $$$ if the manga has no popularity, it will be dropped immediately without announcement or notice.

      • iusih

        Yeah, that is kind of annoying. Seeing how they’re trying to take over a manga that is already being translated just so they can make money. And turnip is generally better quality imo, so it would suck if more people started reading it there just because they are more popular or might have better access to earlier raws etc.

        • Cloud

          Doesnt surprise me, there motives have changed completely over the years. Only thing im surprised by is that it took them so long to try.

    • Nobody

      It would be perfect if they worked with Turnip Farmers. That’s something they sometimes do (e.g. they work with EG for translating Berserk); they’d provide the raws (generally in a very short time in comparison with the other teams and in really high quality) and let Turnip Farmers handle the translation and the editing IMHO.

  28. cuntlord

    when is the next one coming out?

  29. Anon

    SPOILER – Rough trans might ruin it for some, do not click . To the others, damn: The hype is real.

  30. spunklord

    Please sir, I need some more….

  31. Indonesia

    Cant open reddit in my country… Zzz… Any other sites?

    Oh well, i think its better to wait turnip version is the best

  32. Xavier17

    THEY GET THEY SCANS FROM TURNIPS AND THAT A FACT SO DO KISSMANGA. bro they got start paying…. i feel like u should charge $1 or $2 per person even us

  33. Xavier17

    shit ill pay ive been fuckin wit turnip for about 2 yrs

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